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> public-spirited woman
"public-spirited woman" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Book Authors
Pt. 3. Claiming 'Their Proper Sphere': Women, Religion, and the State. 8. Evangelical Moral Reform: Women and the War against Tobacco, 1874-1900
Sharon Anne Cook.9.Religion and the Shaping of 'Public Woman': A Post-Suffrage Case Study /Mary Kinnear
Religion and public life in Canada: historical and comparative perspectives /
Van Die, Marguerite.
[2001], ©2001.
University of Toronto Press,
International Development & Women's Rights. Women's Rights are Human Rights: When Families Flourish, Communities and Nations Will Flourish
Hillary Rodham Clinton.The Woman Behind the Mask: Away from Washington, Hillary Clinton Shows a Different Face /Peter Baker.Hillary Clinton Urges Public to Support Foreign Aid /Thomas Lippman
Speaking of Hillary: a reader's guide to the most controversial woman in America /
Flinn, Susan K.
White Cloud Press,
II. Gender in the Modern Liberal Public Sphere. 5. The Public and the Private Sphere: A Feminist Reconsideration
Joan B. Landes.6.Regarding Some 'Old Husbands' Tales': Public and Private in Feminist History /Leonore Davidoff.7.Gender and Public Access: Women's Politics in Nineteenth-Century America /Mary P. Ryan.8.The Inviolable Woman: Feminist Conceptions of Citizenship in Australia, 1900-1945 /Marilyn Lake.9.The Patriarchal Welfare State /Carole Pateman
Feminism, the public and the private /
Landes, Joan B.,
Oxford University Press,
Kelly Schmidt, State Treasurer (2005-Present) Advocate for agriculture
Sarah Vogel
Commissioner of Agriculture (1989-96) On the job working for you / Susan Wefald
Public Service Commissioner (1993-2008) Education is priority one / Kirsten Baesler
Superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction (2013-Present) Women Supreme Court Justices address important issues An inspiring Justice: Beryl Levine
Supreme Court Justice (1985-96) / Cody Stanley Working to improve our system of justice / Mary Maring
Supreme Court Justice (1996-2013) A life in the law / Carol Kapsner
Supreme Court Justice (1998-Present) Charting a path in the early years "A bright
public-spirited woman
" Laura Eisenhuth
Superintendent of Public Instruction (1893-94) / Susan Wefald Inspiring people to support education
Emma Bates
Superintendent of Public Instruction (1895-96) / Susan Wefald Challenging times attract strong leaders My business is education
Minnie Nielson
Superintendent of Public Instruction (1919-26) / Susan Wefald Improving education in challenging times
Bertha Palmer
Superintendent of Public Instruction (1927-32) / Susan Wefald An honest
efficient public servant
Berta Baker
State Treasurer (1929-32)
State Auditor (1933-56) / Susan Wefald Serving the greater good You either like figures or you better step out
Bernice Asbridge
State Treasurer (1969-72) / Susan Wefald A lively interest in politics
Ruth Meiers
Lieutenant Governor (1985-87) / Susan Wefald.
Important voices: North Dakota's women elected state officials share their stories, 1893-2013
Susan Wefald
North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies Press
Monica & Marriage. When the First Lady Took the Gloves Off
Bronwen Maddox.An American Marriage: How to Explain Bill and Hillary Clinton? /Joe Klein.Reflections of a Woman: Whatever her reasons, Hillary Clinton Stands by Her Man. And the Public Approves /Lois Romano.The Shadow of Her Smile /Margaret Carlson."I Still Love Bill Despite His Weakness, " Says Hillary /Mary Dejevsky
Speaking of Hillary: a reader's guide to the most controversial woman in America /
Flinn, Susan K.
White Cloud Press,
2. The Idea of Types. The Modern American Mood
William Dean Howells.The Provincials, from a series, Sketches of American Types /Octave Thanet.The Conduct of Life, from a series, The Art of Living /Robert Grant.Talma Gordon /Pauline E. Hopkins.The College Graduate and Public Life /Theodore Roosevelt.The Awakening of the Negro /Booker T. Washington.The Status of Woman, Past, Present, and Future /Susan B. Anthony
The American 1890s: a cultural reader /
Smith, Susan Harris.
Dawson, Melanie,
Duke University Press,
I. Whose Imagined Community?El desorden, Nationalism, and Chicana/o Aesthetics
Laura Elisa Perez.Bloody Metaphors and Other Allegories of the Ordinary /Elspeth Probyn.Chicana Feminism: In the Tracks of "The" Native Woman /Norma Alarcon.Re-Imagining Chicana Urban Identities in the Public Sphere, Cool Chuca Style /Rosa Linda Fregoso.A Guest at the Wedding: Honor, Memory, and (National) Desire in Michel Khleife's Wedding in Galilee /Mary N. Layoun
Between woman and nation: nationalisms, transnational feminisms, and the state /
Kaplan, Caren,
Alarcón, Norma.
Moallem, Minoo.
Duke University Press,
Pt. II. The Social and Cultural Boundaries of Race. 7. Aliens, Misfits, and Interlopers: The Racialized Imagining of the U. S. Latino Communities at the End of the Twentieth Century
Arturo Madrid.8."They Are Absolutely Obsessed with Us": Anti-Arab Bias in American Discourse and Policy /Hussein Ibish.9.Lupe's Song: On the Origins of Mexican/Woman-Hating in the United States /Deena J. Gonzalez.10.The Diversity Machine: Moving Multiculturalism to the Workplace /Frederick R. Lynch.11.Other Mothers: Public Policy, Popular Culture, and Recent Hollywood Films /Allison Berg.12.Cosmic People, Out of Eden /Jack D. Forbes
Race in 21st century America /
Stokes, Curtis.
Meléndez, Theresa.
Rhodes-Reed, Genice.
[2001], ©2001.
Michigan State University Press,
Pt. VII. Oppression. 33. Power, Right, Truth
Michel Foucault.34.Bearing the Consequences of Belief /Peter Jones.35.Exploitation, Alternatives and Socialism /John E. Roemer.36.Racism, Sexism, and Preferential Treatment: An Approach to the Topics /Richard A. Wasserstrom.37.Moral Woman and Immoral Man: A Consideration of the Public-Private Split and Its Political Ramifications /Jean Bethke Elshtain.38."Dependency" Demystified: Inscriptions of Power in a Keyword of the Welfare State /Nancy Fraser and Linda Gordon.
Contemporary political philosophy: an anthology /
Goodin, Robert E.
Pettit, Philip,
Blackwell Publishers,
I. Sistuhs in the Ivory Tower: Experiences in the Academy. 1. Giving The Sistuhs Their Due: The Lived Experiences of African-American Women In Academia
Janice D. Hamlet.2.Defining Essence in the Public Image of a Black Woman: The Lived Experiences of a Law Professor /Karen Strother-Jordan.3.Reclamation and Discoveries: An African-American Women's Historian's Efforts to Chronicle the Experiences of African-American Women Teachers in Nashville, Tennessee, 1942-1983 /Sonya Ramsey.4."A Chance of Double Lives": Phenomenological Study of Black Female Graduate Experience /Priya Kapoor.5.Corporeal Explosions: The Lived Experiences of African-American Graduate Women During an Explosive Week /T. Ford-Ahmed
Nature of a sistuh: black women's lived experiences in contemporary culture /
McDonald, Trevy Ann.
Ford-Ahmed, T.
[1999], ©1999.
Carolina Academic Press,
pt. I. The Massachusetts decision and reactions. Goodridge v. Massachusets Department of Public Health
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Toward a more perfect union / David J. Garrow
A call for a constitutional amendment protecting marriage / President George W. Bush
Bush's case for same-sex marriage / Jonathan Rauch
How good is Goodridge? An analysis of Goodridge v. Department of Public Health / Glenn T. Stanton
The road to gay marriage / New York Times editorial
Time for a new Boston Tea Party / Pat Buchanan
The power of marriage / David Brooks
Why the "M" word matters to me / Andrew Sullivan
Marriage: mix
match / Nicholas Kristof
The bells are ringing ... marriage
everywhere / John O'Sullivan
sanctimony / Jennifer Black
No court ruling can change the fact that marriage is about one man
one woman / Ron Crews
Weddings once forbidden: obstacles to gay marriage evoke mixed-marriage bans / Derrick Z. Jackson
The abolition of sex don't worry
Same-sex marriage: the moral and legal debate
Robert M. Baird
Stuart E. Rosenbaum
Prometheus Books
Pt. III. Public Welfare. Ch. 35. Ethics and the Social Sciences (1948)
Raymond B. Cattell.Ch. 36.Psychology Working for Peace (1949) /Hadley Cantril.Ch. 37.The Woman Problem (1951) /Edwin G. Boring.Ch. 38.Desegregation: A Psychological Analysis (1957) /Stuart W. Cook.Ch. 39.The Psychology of the Recession (1959) /George Katona.Ch. 40.The Role of the Behavioral Scientist in the Civil Rights Movement (1968) /Martin Luther King, Jr.Ch. 41.Black and White in International Perspective (1971) /Otto Klineberg.Ch. 42.On Animal Aggression: The Roles of Strangeness and Familiarity (1976) /Peter Marler.Ch. 43.On Getting in Bed With a Lion (1980) /William Bevan.Ch. 44.Crime and Violence in America: The Victims (1983) /Max Siegel.Ch. 45.Placing Women in the History of Psychology: The First American Women Psychologists (1986) /Laurel Furumoto and Elizabeth Scarborough.Ch. 46.Self-Interest and Personal Responsibility Redux (1987) /Robert Perloff.Ch. 47.The Study of Sexual Behavior in Relation to the Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Caveats and Recommendations (1988) /June Machover Reinisch, Stephanie A. Sanders and Mary Ziemba-Davis.Ch. 48.Homelessness and Public Policy Priorities (1991) /Charles A. Kiesler.Ch. 49.The Sociocultural Relevance of Sex Research: Challenges for the 1990s and Beyond (1994) /Gail Elizabeth Wyatt.Ch. 50.The Effects of Exposure to Violence on Young Children (1995) /Joy D. Osofsky.
The evolution of psychology: fifty years of the American psychologist /
Notterman, Joseph M.
[1997], ©1997.
American Psychological Association,
Introduction: On the Cultural Battlefield. A. Guns as a Way of Life - Sort Of. 21. Self-Transformation in Combat and the Pleasures of Killing
James William Gibson.22.Violence and Honor in the Southern United States /Richard E. Nisbett and Dov Cohen.23.The Great Bambi War: Tocquevillians versus Keynesians in an Upstate New York County /Edward C. Hansen.B.The Breakdown of Civil Society.24.The Crisis of Public Order /Adam Walinsky.25.Crime and Community /Wendy Kaminer.26.The Incidence of Defensive Firearm Use by U.S. Crime Victims, 1987 through 1990 /David McDowall and Brian Wiersema.27.Does Allowing Law-Abiding Citizens to Carry Concealed Handguns Save Lives? /John R. Lott, Jr.28.Should You Own a Gun? /Gordon Witkin.29.Americans Losing Trust in Each Other and Institutions /Washington Post Series.C.Who Will Protect Us? Minorities and Guns.30.Arms and the Woman: A Feminist Reappraisal /Mary Zeiss Stange.31.Guns Are the Tools by Which We Forge Our Liberty /Cindy Hill.32.Gun Control in America: A History of Discrimination against the Poor and Minorities /T. Markus Funk.33.Talk at Temple Beth Shir Shalom: Friday, April 30, 1993 /J. Neil Schulman.D.When Government Is the Enemy.34.Apocalypse Now? /James Coates.35.They've Had Enough /Philip Weiss.36.Author's Call to Arms Gets Answer /Robert George.37.The Anti-Enviro Connection /David Helvarg
Guns in America: a reader /
Dizard, Jan E.,
Muth, Robert M.
Andrews, Stephen P.,
[1999], ©1999.
New York University Press,
The Awakening. From "Recent Novels"
The Nation.From "Books of the Week" /Providence Sunday Journal.From "The Newest Books" /C.(harles) L. Deyo.From "100 Books for Summer" /New York Times Saturday Review of Books and Art.From "Book Reviews" /Public Opinion."Kate Chopin" /William Schuyler.From Their Day in Court /Percival Pollard.Stories by Kate Chopin /Joseph J. Reilly.A Forgotten Novel: Kate Chopin's The Awakening /Kenneth Eble.The Awakening: A Political Romance /Lawrence Thornton.Kate Chopin's Quarrel with Darwin before The Awakening /Bert Bender.The Teeth of Desire: The Awakening and The Descent of Man /Bert Bender.The Boy's Quest in Kate Chopin's "A Vocation and a Voice" /Peggy Skaggs.The Restive Brute: The Symbolic Presentation of Repression and Sublimation in Kate Chopin's "Fedora" /Joyce (Coyne) Dyer.Pride and Prejudice: Kate Chopin's "Desiree's Baby" /Robert D. Arner.Narrative Stance in Kate Chopin's The Awakening /Ruth Sullivan and Stewart Smith.Armand Aubigny, Still Passing After All These Years: The Narrative Voice and Historical Context of "Desiree's Baby" /Margaret D. Bauer."Acting Like Fools": The Ill-Fated Romances of "At the 'Cadian Ball" and "The Storm" /Lawrence I. Berkove.Kate Chopin's Fascination with Young Men /Linda Wagner-Martin."The House of Sylvie" in Kate Chopin's "Athenaise" /Heather Kirk Thomas.Her Own Story: The Woman of Letters in Kate Chopin's Short Fiction /Nancy A. Walker.Picture Perfect: Painting in The Awakening /Kathryn Lee Seidel.Land's End: The Awakening and 19th-Century Literary Tradition /Priscilla Leder.
Critical essays on Kate Chopin /
Petry, Alice Hall,
G.K. Hall,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries