| | | Lindberg, Jakob.; Byrd, William,; Alison, Richard,; Morley, Thomas,; Philips, Peter,; Philips, Peter,; Campion, Thomas,; Nicolson, Richard,; Lupo, Thomas,; Morley, Thomas,; Baxter, John.; Morley, Thomas,; Holborne, Anthony,; Hume, Tobias,; Hume, Tobias,; Alison, Richard,; Alison, Richard,; Morley, Thomas,; Dowland, John,; Dowland, John,; Dowland, John, | [1991] | BIS, |
Sweet musicke: the Earle of Salisburies favoret | | | | c2006. | Cornetto, gedruckt in Lizenz von Musedita, |
Awake, sweet love (Consort of Musicke | | | Dowland, John,; Bailes, Anthony,; Lindberg, Jakob,; Rooley, Anthony,; Dowland, John,; Dowland, John,; Dowland, John,; Dowland, John,; Dowland, John,; Dowland, John, | | |
| | | | | Georg Olms Verlag |
| | | | 1589. | Printed by Iohn Wolfe |
| | | | 1598. | Printed by I. R[oberts] for Nicholas Ling, and are to bee solde at the vvest doore of Paules |
| | | | 1650. | for Robert Ibbitson dwelling in Smithfield neer Hosier Lane |
| | | | 1598. | Printed by P. Short, for Cuthbert Burbie, and are to be solde at his shop at the Royall Exchange |
| | Englands Parnassus: or the choysest flowers of our moderne poets, with their poeticall comparisons Descriptions of bewties, personages, castles, pallaces, mountaines, groues, seas, springs, riuers, &c. Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasaunt and profitable. | | 1600. | For N. L[ing,] C. B[urby] and T. H[ayes] |
| | | | Anno Domini MDC XXXV 1635 | Printed by N. & I. Okes |
| | | | 1634. | Printed by William Stansby, and are to be sold by Richard Royston, at his shop in Iuie Lane |
| | | | 1932 | Routledge |
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| | | | 1609 | Printed [by Thomas Snodham] for Thomas Adams, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the white Lion |
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| | | | 1609 | Printed [by Thomas Snodham] for Thomas Adams, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the white Lion |
| | | | 1609 | Printed [by Thomas Snodham] for Thomas Adams, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the white Lion |