| | | Yamada, Gaku,; Akiyama, Tetsuji,; Tenney, James.; Yamane, Akiko,; Suzuki, Haruyuki,; Globokar, Vinko,; Kawakami, Osamu,; Yamamoto, Kazutomo,; Matsudaira, Yoriaki.; Clementi, Aldo.; Lucier, Alvin. | | |
| | | | [1995], ©1995. | M. Eschig, |
| | | Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried.; Fink, Siegfried. | ℗1992. | Thorofon Classics, |
| | | | c1954. | Boosey & Hawkes, |
Ostinati, loops, and riffs | | | | 2019 | DK |
| | | Nobles, Jordan,; Elkinson, Emma,; Nobles, Jordan.; Nobles, Jordan.; Nobles, Jordan.; Nobles, Jordan.; Nobles, Jordan.; Nobles, Jordan.; Nobles, Jordan. | | |
| | The Royal Exchange Contayning sundry aphorismes of phylosophie, and golden principles of morrall and naturall quadruplicities. Vnder pleasant and effectuall sentences, dyscouering such strange definitions, deuisions, and distinctions of vertue and vice, as may please the grauest cittizens, or youngest courtiers. Fyrst written in Italian, and dedicated to the Signorie of Venice, nowe translated into English, and offered to the cittie of London. Rob. Greene, in Artibus Magister. | | Anno. Dom. 1590. | Printed by I. Charlewood for William VVright |
4 Cells, Ostinati, and Fragments | | | | 2017 | University of California Press |
Ostinati, loops, and riffs 166 | | | | 2015 | DK Publishing |
Drones and ostinati (11: 54) | | | | [1996], ℗1996. | Chant du Monde, |
| | | | 1954. | Haydn Society, |
| | | | 2020 | Oxford University Press |
| | | | 1986 | Princeton University Press |
| | | | 1986 | Princeton University Press |
[diminutions by] Scipione Stella | | | Erdas, Paola,; Valente, Antonio,; Rinaldo,; Ferrabosco, Domenico Maria,; Stella, Scipione,; Tartaglino, Ippolito,; Tartaglino, Ippolito,; Fillimarino, Fabrizio.; Lambardi, Francesco,; Lambardi, Francesco,; Mayone, Ascanio,; Gesualdo, Carlo,; Gesualdo, Carlo, | | |
Ostinati für Orchestra (Dresdner Philharmonie | | | Griesbach, Karl-Rudi,; Winkler, Johannes,; Arens, Rolf-Dieter,; Guhl, Adolf Fritz,; Ebert, Elisabeth,; Becher, Johannes Robert,; Griesbach, Karl-Rudi,; Griesbach, Karl-Rudi,; Griesbach, Karl-Rudi,; Griesbach, Karl-Rudi,; Griesbach, Karl-Rudi, | [1981] | Nova, |
| | | Hauser, Jared,; Dorfman, Amy,; Beachler, Ken,; Hudson, Ann Marie,; Maslanka, David,; Thompson, Randall,; Adolphe, Bruce.; Agócs, Kati.; Cowell, Henry, | | |
| | | | p2008. | Globe Records, |
Preludi ostinati (1999-2000) (23: 02). | | | | ℗2003. | New Albion Records, |
Tutti ostinati: from Jeux d'orgue (2: 34) | | | Guillou, Jean,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Stanley, John,; Clarke, Jeremiah,; Jacinto, Frei.; Seixas, Carlos,; Seixas, Carlos,; Handel, George Frideric,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Handel, George Frideric,; Haydn, Joseph,; Schumann, Robert,; Schumann, Robert,; Liszt, Franz,; Prokofiev, Sergey,; Guillou, Jean,; Guillou, Jean,; Guillou, Jean, | ℗1988. | Dorian Sono Luminus, |