| | | | 2012 | SensePublishers |
| | | | 2012-01-01 | Brill |
| | | | 2000 | Hodder Moa Beckett |
| | | | CQ Press | CQ Press |
Newlands, Francis Griffith | | | | 2011 | HodgePodge Press |
| | | | 2011 | HodgePodge Press |
| | | | 2002 | Wiley |
The Nursery plots and Newlands | | | | 2011. | New Zanj Publishing House, |
| | | | 2022 | Oxford University Press |
| | | | 2011;2012 | Scarab eBooks |
| | | | c2007. | T & T Clark, |
The government passes the Newlands Reclamation Act | | | | c2004. | Ambrose Video Pub., |
NEWLANDS RECLAMATION ACT OF 1902 | | | | 2015 | Greenwood | ABC-CLIO |
Carole Newlands, Statius’ Prose Prefaces | | | | 2002 - 2011 | Fabrizio Serra |
Theology, culture and the arts George Newlands | | | | 2004 | Peter Lang |
19. The story of Tommy Dumaresq; Newlands | | | | 1967 | Hawthorn |
| | | | 1834 | Cambridge University Press |
| | | | 1st ed. 2018 | Springer International Publishing |
The Canterbury tales. The prologue; The Knyghtes tale; The Milleres tale; The Reves tale; The Cookes tale; The tale of the man of Lawe; The Shipmannes tale; The Prioresses tale; Chaucers tale of Thopas; Chaucers tale of Melibee; The Monkes tale; The Nonnes prestes tale; The Phisiciens tale; The Pardoners tale; The tale of the wife of Bath; The Freres tale; The Somonours tale; The tale of the clerk of Oxenford; The Marchantes tale; The Squieres tale; The Frankeleyns tale; The seconde Nonnes tale; The Chanouns yemannes tale; The Maunciples tale; The Persouns tale | | | | ©1958 | World Pub. Co. |
The Canterbury tales. The general prologue; The knight's tale; The miller's tale; The reeve's tale; The cook's tale; The man of law's tale; The wife of Bath's tale; The friar's tale; The summoner's tale; The clerk's tale; The merchant's tale; The squire's tale; The franklin's tale; The physician's tale; The pardoner's tale; The shipman's tale; The prioress's tale; Sir Thopas; The tale of Melibee; The monk's tale; The nun's priest's tale; The second nun's tale; The canon's yeoman's tale; The manciple's tale; The parson's tale | | | | ©1964 | Barron's Educational Series, Inc. |