| | | | 2000. | Phaidon, |
| | | | 1994 | Routledge |
| | A booke of the arte and maner, howe to plant and graffe all sortes of trees howe to set stones, and sowe pepines to make wylde trees to graffe on, as also remedies and mediicnes [sic]. VVith diuers other newe practise, by one of the Abbey of Saint Vincent in Fraunce, practised with his owne handes, deuided into seauen chapters, as hereafter more plainely shall appeare, with an addition in the ende of this booke, of certaine Dutch practises, set forth and Englished, by Leonard Mascall. | | 1572 | By Henrie Denham, for Iohn Wight |
| | | | 1909 | H. Frowde |
Singing the Same Throaty Note | | | | 2006 | Harper Perennial |
| | The country-mans recreation, or the art of planting, graffing, and gardening in three bookes. The first declaring divers wayes of planting, and graffing ... also how to cleanse your grafts and cions, how to helpe barren and sicke trees, how to kill wormes and vermin and to preserve and keepe fruit, how to plant and proyne your vines, and to gather and presse your grape ... how to make your cider and perry ... The second treateth of the hop-garden, with necessary instructions for the making and the maintenance thereof ... Whereunto is added, the expert gardener, containing divers necessary and rare secrets belonging to that art ... | | 1640. | Printed by B. Allsop and T. Favvcet for Michael Young, and are to be sold at his shop in Bedford-street in Coven-garden neere the New Exchange |
| | The country-mans recreation, or The art of [brace] planting, graffing, and gardening, [brace] in three books. The first declaring divers waies of planting, and graffing, and the best times of the year, with divers commodities and secrets herein, how to set or plant with the root, and without the root; to sow or set pepins or curnels, with the ordering thereof, also to cleanse your grafts and cions, to help barren and sick trees, to kill worms and vermin, and to preserve and keep fruit; how to plant and proin your vines, and to gather and presse your grape; to cleanse and mosse your trees, to make your cider and perry, with many other secret practises which shall appear in the table following. The second treateth of the hop-garden, with necessary instructions for the making and maintenance thereof, ... with some directions for tabaco. Whereunto is added, The expert gardener, containing divers necessary and rare secrets belonging to that art, ... hereunto is likewise added the Art of angling. | | 1654. | Printed by T. Mabb, for William Shears, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in St. Pauls Church-yard, near the little north door |
Note on the Revised Edition (1993) | | | | December 1993 | W W Norton & Co Inc |
| | | | 2002 | Routledge |
"Handwriting's the same as on Ammon's note, " | | | | 1998 | Pocket |
| | | | 1651. | Printed for F.A. ... |
Editor's Note (1993 Edition and 1998 Edition) | | | | 1966 | The Ted Warren Corporation |
20. New Tune, Same Dance: Washington, 1993-1995 | | | | [1997], ©1997. | Free Press, |
| | | | 2005 | Prufrock Press |
| | | | 1658. | Printed for R. Pollard, N. Brooks, and T. Dring, and are to be sold at the Old Exchange, and in Fleetstreet |
| | | | 1658. | Printed for R. Pollard, N. Brooks, and T. Dring, and are to be sold at the Old Exchange, and in Fleetstreet |
| | | | 1658. | Printed for R. Pollard, N. Brooks, and T. Dring, and are to be sold at the Old Exchange, and in Fleetstreet |
| | | | 1658. | Printed for R. Pollard, N. Brooks, and T. Dring, and are to be sold at the Old Exchange, and in Fleetstreet |
| | | | 1658. | Printed for R. Pollard, N. Brooks, and T. Dring, and are to be sold at the Old Exchange, and in Fleetstreet |
| | | | 1658. | Printed for R. Pollard, N. Brooks, and T. Dring, and are to be sold at the Old Exchange, and in Fleetstreet |