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مطالعہ یہودیت


زوہیب احمد; Zohaib Ahmad

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"یہودی" عبرانی زبان کا لفظ ہے جس کے معنی "یہودا کے قبیلہ سے" کے ہیں۔ یہودیت کا شمار دنیا کے قدیم ترین مذاہب میں ہوتا ہے جس کی تاریخ تقریباً 1500 سے 2000 سال قبل مسیح بیان کی جاتی ہے۔ تاریخی اعتبار سے اسے الہامی مذاہب میں سب سے قدیم مذہب مانا جاتا ہے۔ عصر حاضر میں یہودیوں کی کل تعداد تقریباً 14.7 ملین ہے۔ زیر نظر کتاب اردو زبان میں یہودیت کا علمی تعارف ہے۔ کتاب آٹھ ابواب میں منقسم ہے۔ پہلے تین ابواب میں یہودیت کا تعارف، تاریخ اور مذہبی ارتقا کو مختصرا ً بیان کیا گیا ہے۔ چوتھے باب میں یہودی کتبِ مقدسہ اور مختلف مذہبی اصناف کا تعارف کروایا گیا ہے۔ پانچویں باب میں یہودی عقائد و عبادات پر بحث کی گئی ہے۔ چھٹے باب میں ایک مذہبی یہودی کی روز مرہ زندگی کا خاکہ اور تہذیب و ثقافت کا مختصر بیان شامل ہے۔ ساتواں باب یہودیت کے مشہور قدیم و جدید فرقوں و تحریکوں کا بیان ہے۔ آٹھویں باب میں یہودی روحانی نظام، جس میں تخلیق کائنات کا بیان بھی شامل ہے، کا تعارف کروایا گیا ہے۔ ہر باب کے آخر میں قارئین خصوصاً طلبا کی آسانی کے لیے مشقی سوالات موجود ہیں۔

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جے توں آویں میرے کول

جے توں آویں میرے کول
دساں دل دے دکھڑے پھول
چھڈ گیوں مینوں یاری لا کے
مینوں کردے لوگ مخول
ہک واری جے ہس کے بولیں
جندڑی دیواں گھول مگھول
قدر وفا دی کجھ نہیں کیتی
مٹی دتے موتی رول
اوڑک اوس نوں کٹنا پوسی
جس دے گل وچ پے گیا ڈھول
دکھی دی گل دکھی سن دا
دکھیاں اگے دِل پھرول
جھوٹ نوں پھیتی پھیتی کردا
سچی گل دا ہکو بول
موت نوں یاد کراں ہر ویلے
جندڑی رہندی ڈانواں ڈول

Why Criminologists Study Journalism?

‘Media is situated within, and fully interwoven with, many other social practices, to the extent where crime and media representations are inseparable’. Criminologist must, however, be alert to the ways in which media create perceptions in order to understand that things are not as always as they are presented. Criminologist has to be a well-versed scholar on the subject of media practices to tread fuzzy area between the news and propaganda and to identify the instances of media coverage of crime as the major culprit for the increase in crime through its redefinition; and for the increase in pessimism through projecting only dark things in much darker light as good news is bad news for media. Awareness of media practices helps criminologist to understand the reasons for separate feeds so can be used for different content of several newspapers to realize truth; and to understand the failure of media to publicize moral dilemma because of its failure to offer rational and duly informed societal response. Criminologist is to be media scholar to know that news is not necessarily about events those transcend crimes and there does exists the standoff between moral panic and realism and separation of cause and effect and the addition of newness to news and exceptionalization of crime; and crime representation can be for the marginalization of some groups.

Development of Productitive Enhancement Framework for Private Sector Autom Otive Manufacturing Industry of Pakistan

Organizational productivity is one of the basic tools to gauge its competitiveness. Research has proven that methodologies for gauging productivity are lacking in industries globally, and mostly non-standard tools are used to measure and evaluate productivity. In Pakistan specifically, not enough efforts have been put in place to gauge and enhance the productivity of manufacturing industry. This research is focused on identifying the prevalent status of productivity in automotive industry of Pakistan and then suggesting a productivity enhancement framework. This mixed methodology research has been conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Sequential explanatory design in combination with sequential exploratory design was used as suggested by Creswell [106]. Quantitative research was conducted by carrying out productivity analysis of the industry using secondary data from sample companies. Authentic government sources, such as Engineering Development Board and two national level associations i.e. Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association (PAMA) and Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers of Pakistan (PAAPAM) were consulted for data collection. Secondary data for ten years covering FY 2000-2010 for two major automotive manufacturing firms was gathered. Total Productivity and all partial productivities were computed using methodology proposed by Sumanth [4], while Total Factor Productivity (TFP) was computed using Cobb-Douglas production function. Results gathered showed low productivity status of the industry as compared to that of international industry. In order to develop a productivity enhancement framework, qualitative research was conducted by collecting primary data through qualitative interviews from top management of 26 automotive manufacturing companies. A total of 40 interviews were conducted on the basis of theoretical saturation and theoretical sampling. Open ended questions used for survey were compiled from the internationally published literature for validity and reliability requirements. Using explanatory and descriptive study, role of technology in productivity enhancement of the industry was examined. Findings of this research have been used to develop a productivity enhancement framework for the industry. Developed framework was compared with the framework of 6 different countries, including USA, UK, Sweden, India, China and Thailand [33], [36], [37], [44], [45]. Comparison resulted in emergence of the finalized productivity enhancement framework of the industry. This framework was then implemented in one of the major auto parts manufacturing companies of Pakistan for its validation. Results of the implementation not only validated the model but also depicted that there is an immediate need to implement these concepts for productivity enhancement. The cost- effective solutions suggested in this model and its cross cultural comparisons also show that this model can be used for manufacturing industries in general in the developing countries.